Philosophically Speaking...
"Titan, the effort was there, just not the ability. Perhaps you should consider golf. We all know you've got a handicap to begin with!" Titan had just carouseled through his Thursday afternoon group at the Yonkers Tennis Center and was receiving the unsolicited advice from all three of his partners as they gathered at net. TT paired with Bill 'Energizer Bunny Legs' Tully in the opener and the tandem eased to a (6-2) victory over Jim Addiss 'Abada' and Max 'Tutor' Tuckman. The 'belching bloviator's efforts as 'Abada's partner were insufficient to undo the superior court coverage of 'EBL' (3-6) with support from the 'Tutor' as necessary in the second set. TT/'Abada' dropped the last three games of the set that had been closely contested until 'EBL' started to dominate on cross court rallies with the 'immobile minotaur.' 'Tutor' and the 'bombastic blowhard' trailed 1-3 partial as time expired. At net 'EBL' opined, "Titan, you've got bad knees. Why punish yourself playing three, four times a week." Without missing a beat 'Tutor' quipped, "Bill are you crazy? Titan's punishing us by playing in our game once a week." Jim rejoined, "And what's this Addiss Abada crap? Halie Selassie wasn't on Ethiopia's Davis Cup team. He's playing Ryder Cup. "
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