Wednesday, October 01, 2008

From Alamo to Avis

"Titan, mi amigo, I didn't realize that you invited me to the Alamo" cried Ignacio Febles, Aka, George the 'Teacher' at the end of play this date. 'Teacher' along with Frank 'Slats' Slattery, Gene 'King' Slattery, and your humble 'blogging bullshitter' had just completed three hours of doubles play at Amackassin Tennis Club this date. Save for one set, the (0-6) bagel TennisTitan would love to forget 'Teacher' and 'Titan' played opposite of each other. TT/'Slats' mastered the tandem of 'King'/'Teacher' (6-2, 6-2) in the first two of the five sets played. Set three saw the Titan lead 'King' Gene to his first victory of the day (6-3) as 'Slats' came to realize who really does the heavy lifting when he teams with TennisTitan! The cousins Slattery blew the doors off the 'immobile minotaur'/'profesor' Febles in the fourth set. 'Slats' couldn't resist challenging the 'egomanical egotist' to a fifth and final set demanding that the 'bloated blowhard' live up to his oft heard cry, "It's all about heart in the final set." In the best set of the day, TT/'King Gene' prevailed against 'Slats'/'Teacher (7-6 [5]) to bring the combatants to net for picture time. 'King' Gene expressed admiration for TT's withstanding the rigors of 5 sets. 'Slats' retorted to 'Teacher's Alamo comment most memorably. "Titan, it really HERTZ losing to you. DOLLAR for dollar you are so THRIFTY with how you expend your energy on the court. You show ENTERPRISE with your shot selection. Your blog, if not your game, is a NATIONAL treasure to behold." To wit, 'Teacher' quipped, "Yeah, but his BUDGET doesn't include purchasing any tennis balls! 'King' smiled and said, "but he does try harder - because he's always number two."

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