Saturday, November 04, 2006

"Club Rules," said 'Slats'

"And next time I might insist that you wear whites and display proper verbal decorum on the court!" So said Frank 'Slats' Slattery as he imposed his panty-waist 'Amackassin Club' rule on the unsuspecting TennisTitan when he announced that the seventh game would be the last game of today's first set. TT had motivated himself to arrive at Kinsley early so as to have the pleasure of playing doubles with Bob 'Kraut' Kluge who had flown in from Chicago for the weekend. Instead 'Slats' declared himself the protector of the lazy and/or the elderly by arbitrarily eliminating the opportunity for 'Chemist' and 'Big Al' to warm up as singles and/or await the regulation outcome of a hotly contested first set. Your Titan chose to dump that seventh game and take on 'Kraut' in a competitive singles match despite his aching knees and throbbing hamstrings. TT gave it his all but 'Der Klugmeister' had too much Sierra Mist in his truck this morning weenying the 'bloated behemoth' repeatedly at critical junctures to take the set (4-6). It was especially satisfying for the Titan to then pair with 'Kraut' in the (6-4) defeat administered to Carl 'Spindly Legs' Gessman and George 'Chemist' Hauss in what was the feature match of the morning. Games were intense and the norm was 12-14 balls per point. Titan savored this even more because 'Slats'/'Big Al' had dropped their set (4-6) to 'Spindly Legs'/'Chemist' as TT and 'Der Klugmeister' played manly tennis. 'Chemist'/'Kraut' were up 4-3 against 'Slats'/'Big Al' in the final set when Bob called a halt to play. Der Klugger launched the definitive shot of the day as the boys posed for their post match pictures when he opined, "Boys, based on my back pain and how I played today, it's not Amackassin. but rather KRAUT RULES that are the order of the day."

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