Titan's POWERplay Continues
"Where'd you get that howitzer"questioned Bob 'Kraut' Kluge at the end of his decimation facing the 'bumbling bombardier's service blasts this beautiful spring morning at Kinsley Park in Yonkers, N.Y. 'Der Klugemeister' was one of twelve regulars who responded to Titan's call to arms declaring this day the opening of the 2010 Outdoor Season. The early bird match included the tandem of Frank 'Slats' Slattery/Sab 'Koide Kid' dueling against 'Big Al' Diodati and Rich 'Prezidente' Prezioso for 2 sets. On another court TennisTitan teamed with George 'Teacher' Febles for two strong sets; the first, a (6-2) victory against Carl 'Speedy Legs' who had 'Happy Jack' Carey at his side, and then a (4-6) loss to the Teutonic Pepsi truck driver with Stuart 'not Espn' Scott pushing the hand truck for the 'Kraut.' 'Teacher's abrupt departure (his net game actually left before he did) enabled 'Speedy Legs' to get in the victory column by joining the 'boisterous blowhard' in a (6-1) blowout of the tandem of 'Kraut' and Chris 'Prozac Kid' Tyrone. As the groups met at net players on the injured reserve but in attendance, viz. Joe 'Gimpy Knees' Cruz, George 'Chemist' Hauss and Lou 'Pistol' Gerencser swarmed around the 'overbearing oaf' opining, "Titan's got new found pop on his serve (6 aces, 9 service winners). But it can't be him, it must be the new racket he's wielding. A soured 'Kraut' quipped "That 'asshole's arsenal' is now as big as the 'idiot's ego!"
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