Soured 'Kraut,' Delicious Dessert
TennisTitan and Bob 'Kraut' Kluge did battle today against 'Big Al' DioDati and Frank 'Slats' Slattery. TT/Kraut got off to a strong start in set 1 racing to a 3-love advantage before Slats & Big Al knew what hit them. 'Kraut' continued his strong play from last week by dominating on service and playing a self-contained return game. Titan did his part by bookmarking the alleys and 'owning the middle' with his returns, leading to a very decisive 6-2 victory in the opener. In set 2 the tide turned in the ninth game when 'Big Al'/'Slats' down 3-5, staved off double set point to begin their remarkable comeback. Titan was beside himself with the play of the 'Kraut' whose game inexplicably collapsed. Titan's whining was heard all the way to Morsemere Av. as TT was given a code violation by a passing dog-walker, who contemptibly told Titan, "Hey loud mouth, can't you let my yorkie take a shit in peace?" This quieted the usually irrepressible TennisTitan for the balance of the set, a (5-7) defeat. TT/'Kraut' accepted the 'winner take all' challenge issued by a revivified 'BigAl/'Slats' duo for set 3. Big Al was suddenly willing to postpone his departure for his early afternoon birthday party, and 'Slats' comment of "My wife will just have to wait for me to scrub the tub" spoke of his resolve. At 2-2 in games, with 'Slats' about to serve, came the very predictable refrain from the other side of the net: "Titan/Kraut, how about the first team to four wins?" Dear readers, does he like to load the deck or what?... No problem for the Titan; at 3-3, 'Big Al' serving, down 15-40, Titan crushes a return directly at net wherein 'Slats', shielding his face, watches perplexedly as the ball ricochets off his racquet, back over the jubilent Titan, and into the fence. "Game, Set, Match."
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