Saturday, March 30, 2013
In Happier Days
Posted by
Your bloviating TennisTitan
4:18 PM
Camera Shy?
"That's more like it" tooted the 'bloviating bullshitter' as he headed to the bench to collect his camera. TennisTitan and George 'Chemist' Hauss had just completed their daily double by sweeping both sets played on this crisp early spring morning at Kinsley Park. 'Big Al' Diodati and Frank 'Slats' Slattery, no doubt seeing the handwriting on the wall exited the park midway through the Titan/'Chemist' (7-5) victory over Carl the 'anonymous Gas Man' and Rich 'dozin' docent' Gerchak. "Frankie, Titan is in mid season form. We might as well leave now. We've got no chance in a rematch" commented the Italian Stallion still smarting from their (6-3) opening set loss to TT/'Chemist.' "Big Al,' there's only one way to beat that 'ludicrous loud mouth' when he's on a roll - either cut his vocal chords or steal his this case, let's just get out of here before he takes our picture."
Posted by
Your bloviating TennisTitan
3:22 PM
Thursday, March 28, 2013
"I've seen this movie before"
TennisTitan returned to the Yonkers Tennis Center this date after an extensive absence. He joined regulars 'Big Al' Diodati, Vladimir 'Russkie' Kartsev, and Bill "Energizer Bunny Legs" Tully in three eminently forgettable and predictable sets. "I feel like I am stuck in a revolving door" lamented 'Big Al' who suffered an opening set loss along side the 'bombastic blowhard' (1-6). "It's like a winter day in the Gulag" critiqued the 'Russian Bear' after succumbing (1-6) next to the 'noxious nerd.' "You guys are full of crap. This is invigorating" crowed the 'prevaricating protagonist' when he paired with 'EBL' in the (6-2) finale. As the foursome left the court the 'Tullyville Trolley' remarked "I feel like I just watched Groundhog Day for the eighty third time."
Posted by
Your bloviating TennisTitan
5:56 PM